Apostles Update Week 4
Dear Friends,
We thank God for the Servant and Apostles of God Archbishop E. H. Guti and Dr. E. Guti, for they spoke that this year Deeper life conference will be held and indeed it came to be from 25-30 January 2022 at Braeside, Harare. The conference was attended by more than 37 countries with many delegates in person and some internationals on zoom. Speakers were powerfully anointed and spoke with much grace. Our father spoke about a good heart, true discipleship, and how to deal with pride. The conference was rejuvenating especially coming at a time when people were still nursing the wounds of covid 19. We witnessed 129 students graduating and 59 pastors being ordained. The glorious moments were to see our father and mother strong. ZAOGA FIF will never be the same again after such life-transforming teachings from the servant and apostles of God, Apostle EH Guti, and Dr. E. Guti.
We want to thank the God of Ezekiel our father for His Grace towards us here in Guyana. Our midweek services continue with many testifying how God has healed them. On Sunday we saw God move mightily as we had our first big Sunday where we had a great turnout. Five people rededicated their lives to the Lord and promised to serve God with all their hearts. One of our deacon’s wife who was not fellowshipping with him is now with him here at Guyana Forward In Faith. We are forever grateful to God of our father Apostle and Archbishop Ezekiel Guti for His goodness to us here in Guyana.
We remain grateful to the God of Ezekiel for His mercies which endure forever. The Thailand church is growing, and the saints are on fire for Jesus. We have continued to experience the faithfulness of God. We are meeting every day consistently for our prayers. Last Sunday was very powerful, we had 37 people in attendance. This week we had 25 people logging-in for the service. During the services many people testified of the favour they are experiencing in their workplaces, and how the God of Ezekiel is setting them apart.
One lady testified how God had opened a job opportunity for her during the winter break in a miraculous way.
Another person also testified the favour of God, he applied for his work visa and was granted a 5-year license
One lady’s work visa was approved this week.
Another lady thanked God for giving her a good job.
We serve a living God! Thank you for praying for us always, the power of prayer is evident. Please continue praying for us.
Many kingdom seekers flocked at the Bindura Cathedral and Ezekiel Guti Healing Deliverance and Prayer Mountain for all Nations in anticipation of the Crossover service. People from UK, RSA, Mozambique, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia were at the prayer mountain. During the 10 days of prayer, kingdom seekers took time to intercede for the work of God and the Servant and Apostles of God Prof E. H. Guti and Dr. Eunor Guti.
343 people received Jesus Christ as personal Savior. 48 people were baptised in water and 45 people received Holy Spirit. Many people were prayed for and received their instant healing and deliverance from different ailments and spirits. Notable ones were:
54 people molested by demons in their sleep were delivered.
6 barren people were prayed for and delivered. The prophetic utterance was that next year this time they will come with babies.
People who dream eating meat or those who get up in the morning feeling full in their tummies were delivered.
48 people who feel tingling sensations in their hands and feet were delivered.
12 people who always see themselves dying, some had already been involved in accidents were delivered.
10 Women who felt itchiness on breast nipples were delivered.
23 people with disputes at work, who had enemies at work were prayed for.
29 people who always lose money were prayed for and delivered. The emphasis was that whatever the devil stole from you must be returned.
30 with heaviness in right hand were delivered.
This week:
Thanking God for the Servant and Apostles of God, Prof Ezekiel H. & Dr. Eunor Guti that He will strengthen them and give them grace and wisdom for all that He has set for them in 2022. Thanking God for strengthening them throughout the Pastors Deeper Life Conference.
Thanking God for the success of the Deeper Life Conference held last week.
Thanking God that He will continue to protect and heal His people from Covid-19. Thanking God for comforting those that lose loved ones.
Thanking God for your nation.
A person needs to receive Jesus in their heart because the heart is deceitful. If a person doesn’t have Jesus in their heart, being good is just on the surface. As the word is preached and person saved, the word changes people and even their face will show.
Don’t waste the word when it’s being preached, listen to it and allow it work in you. It’s the only one that works for changing lives. Some people have good words, and you think they are saved, it’s only intelligence - only Jesus changes lives.... God bless you.
We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
info@fifmi.org | www.fifmi.org